The risks of salt consumption.

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The risks of consuming salt are something everyone should be aware of. Because salt is an ingredient in many foods. There is evidence from several studies that the effects of salt intake can be divided as follows:

Disorders caused by excessive salt consumption

Water retention Salt is an electrolyte that has the ability to retain water around the cells, so excess intake results in the cells retaining too much water. causing such a situation. Resulting in swelling and flatulence as well

heart disease and stroke Salt affects blood pressure levels. If taken in large amounts, it may increase blood pressure. UFABET which could be the cause of heart disease coronary heart disease and stroke

Kidney disease when the body receives more sodium than it needs. The kidneys are responsible for excreting excess substances so they have to work harder to remove sodium from the body. When the kidneys have to work hard for a long time. It can cause renal impairment and kidney disease .

May increase stomach cancer risk Eating a high-sodium diet may damage the stomach. And causing inflammation. May also promote infection with a type of bacteria in the stomach. which causes inflammation and causes ulcers in the stomach. So it could be one of the causes of cancer.